2009年6月20日 星期六

First week of my dear home -- Taiwan : )

The first week of my last high school summer vacation STARTED!!
This is a special summer because it's my last one in this stage of life,
and I'm so glad that I can spend it at home --- Taiwan!! I love it so much~!

However, the first week I spent 90% of time for studying TOEFL test, which I'm taking it in a week, so haven't really taste the real 'home' yet.

TOEFL test is definitly an interesting test to prepare. I like it more than SAT, because it contains listening and speaking section, whereas SAT I only have writing and reading in the English section.

- My family members ( Dad, Mom, Oscar): Thank you for your support! Sorrry because of me you didn't get to play and have fun. Thanks for pushing me study, I needed it! Love you all~

- AMY: Thank you for your delicious Green Bean Soup :P It's awesome, and your support is very much appreciated~!

- Neighbors: Thanks for your support, and lovely smiles and warm welcomes. It feels awesome to be back at home~!

- Passport Ladies: thanks for rushing my passport re-new- process so I can take the test!

-Youtube: help me with my review, wonderful vedios about tips. I suggest people who is going to take TOEFL to go on the site, and visit some good vedios~

That's all for now, I'll update more next week :) with my I-Land family trip~!
Wish you all the best as well~!
Taipei, my favorite city, my dearest home~!
