2009年6月14日 星期日

EARCOS Award : ) Thank you!

The stage light was so bright that I couldn’t see anything down the audiences’ seats. It was all black. I stood on the immense theatre stage and realized that I had become the center of focus. Lights shone on me. Interestingly, I heard silence though I noticed that the speaker was making a speech. The sound of memory kept playing like Bach’s Cello Suite No.1 in G, rewinding all my past memories of happiness, sadness and those in between. This is the unusual circumstance of my life, receiving the 2009 EARCOS Global Citizenship Award.

Every year, we have the high school awards ceremony on the last day of school year. I love to attend these ceremonies because I get to listen to the saga of different individuals. I hear tales of excellent musicians, artists, writers, scientists… from different subject teachers, the principal, and the director. The descriptions of the award recipients show their hard work and passion for the subjects, and as a listener in the audience, I can take pleasure to know this glorious part of their life as well because they are in my community and I can get to know them and learn from them. As usual, I was anticipating hearing more stories of successes. One by one teachers came up and told the stories, I felt joy for those who received awards. The second last award is always given by our high school principal—Mr. Fagg. He walked on stage elegantly and started to give a speech about the award recipient’s character and personality. The more I listened, the more curious I became about the person that Mr. Fagg was describing. I’m not sure whether it was because this person seemed familiar or just the way an audience would wish to know about the winner of the award, but I found myself leaning forward, wanting to hear more about this person. The next thing that I understand was me standing on the stage with Mr. Fagg, shaking his hand. It seemed that I had amnesia memory about why I was on stage: how and when did I get up here?

I stood on stage like a ballerina on a music box next to Mr. Fagg and continued listening to his unfinished keynote. It was the key for doors that led me to my past. Memories spread out smoothly like silk threads, into ‘09,’08,’07,’06. Shark Fins, Earth Hour, Sierra Leone, Showtime Charity Concert, energy- saving, sky garden, Saturday tutoring for migrant worker’ kids, peacekeeping, Relay for Life, promoting global issues, Global Issues Network Conference… the late nights for these events (researching, planning, coordinating to make them happen) , bittersweet flashbacks (of numerous failures before the final success) , complicated feeling all rushed in my mind together. Mr. Fagg held my hand and said, “Congratulations, Moly. We are proud of you!” He turned to the audience and utters, “This award is from the East Asia Regional Council of Oversea Schools. We are proud that this year’s award comes to ISB and our shark girl Moly! This is ISB’s glory as well!” Rewinding to the beginning of these events, the intentions for these actions were simply motivated by my passion and my freewill to do so. With the award in my hand, I thought I would be powerful and have had achieved what norms would say ‘glory’ but interestingly that kind of feeling didn’t come. Instead, those thankful emotions appear, I know I wouldn’t have received this award if my family hadn’t supported me, if my friends didn’t encourage me, if teachers hadn’t assist me with my dreams. This award inspires me even more by giving me crystal-clear lenses that direct me to my future path -- I will continue what I started. No matter where no matter when.
