2009年8月28日 星期五

Count Down 10 m.

2009 End of August will be my count down 10 months, before leaving Beijing. Although I often complain how I dislike a lot of things in Beijing, but I must say, I must thank Beijing for giving me so many unique experiences.

2005 End of October, I sadly said good bye to my dearest home, dearest friends, and start my journey to Beijing. I must admit that I didn't really like the decision. I guess at the end I do like to be with my family more than living in a place that I don't love.

Maybe it's still too early to miss this place, but all I want to note is that I started to have some feelings for this place. I will definitely miss the annoying conversations with people :P haha. just joking~! Let me update more, when I really have a lot of feelings that words can describe.
