2009年8月28日 星期五

Count Down 10 m.

2009 End of August will be my count down 10 months, before leaving Beijing. Although I often complain how I dislike a lot of things in Beijing, but I must say, I must thank Beijing for giving me so many unique experiences.

2005 End of October, I sadly said good bye to my dearest home, dearest friends, and start my journey to Beijing. I must admit that I didn't really like the decision. I guess at the end I do like to be with my family more than living in a place that I don't love.

Maybe it's still too early to miss this place, but all I want to note is that I started to have some feelings for this place. I will definitely miss the annoying conversations with people :P haha. just joking~! Let me update more, when I really have a lot of feelings that words can describe.

2009年6月20日 星期六

First week of my dear home -- Taiwan : )

The first week of my last high school summer vacation STARTED!!
This is a special summer because it's my last one in this stage of life,
and I'm so glad that I can spend it at home --- Taiwan!! I love it so much~!

However, the first week I spent 90% of time for studying TOEFL test, which I'm taking it in a week, so haven't really taste the real 'home' yet.

TOEFL test is definitly an interesting test to prepare. I like it more than SAT, because it contains listening and speaking section, whereas SAT I only have writing and reading in the English section.

- My family members ( Dad, Mom, Oscar): Thank you for your support! Sorrry because of me you didn't get to play and have fun. Thanks for pushing me study, I needed it! Love you all~

- AMY: Thank you for your delicious Green Bean Soup :P It's awesome, and your support is very much appreciated~!

- Neighbors: Thanks for your support, and lovely smiles and warm welcomes. It feels awesome to be back at home~!

- Passport Ladies: thanks for rushing my passport re-new- process so I can take the test!

-Youtube: help me with my review, wonderful vedios about tips. I suggest people who is going to take TOEFL to go on the site, and visit some good vedios~

That's all for now, I'll update more next week :) with my I-Land family trip~!
Wish you all the best as well~!
Taipei, my favorite city, my dearest home~!

2009年6月14日 星期日

EARCOS Award : ) Thank you!

The stage light was so bright that I couldn’t see anything down the audiences’ seats. It was all black. I stood on the immense theatre stage and realized that I had become the center of focus. Lights shone on me. Interestingly, I heard silence though I noticed that the speaker was making a speech. The sound of memory kept playing like Bach’s Cello Suite No.1 in G, rewinding all my past memories of happiness, sadness and those in between. This is the unusual circumstance of my life, receiving the 2009 EARCOS Global Citizenship Award.

Every year, we have the high school awards ceremony on the last day of school year. I love to attend these ceremonies because I get to listen to the saga of different individuals. I hear tales of excellent musicians, artists, writers, scientists… from different subject teachers, the principal, and the director. The descriptions of the award recipients show their hard work and passion for the subjects, and as a listener in the audience, I can take pleasure to know this glorious part of their life as well because they are in my community and I can get to know them and learn from them. As usual, I was anticipating hearing more stories of successes. One by one teachers came up and told the stories, I felt joy for those who received awards. The second last award is always given by our high school principal—Mr. Fagg. He walked on stage elegantly and started to give a speech about the award recipient’s character and personality. The more I listened, the more curious I became about the person that Mr. Fagg was describing. I’m not sure whether it was because this person seemed familiar or just the way an audience would wish to know about the winner of the award, but I found myself leaning forward, wanting to hear more about this person. The next thing that I understand was me standing on the stage with Mr. Fagg, shaking his hand. It seemed that I had amnesia memory about why I was on stage: how and when did I get up here?

I stood on stage like a ballerina on a music box next to Mr. Fagg and continued listening to his unfinished keynote. It was the key for doors that led me to my past. Memories spread out smoothly like silk threads, into ‘09,’08,’07,’06. Shark Fins, Earth Hour, Sierra Leone, Showtime Charity Concert, energy- saving, sky garden, Saturday tutoring for migrant worker’ kids, peacekeeping, Relay for Life, promoting global issues, Global Issues Network Conference… the late nights for these events (researching, planning, coordinating to make them happen) , bittersweet flashbacks (of numerous failures before the final success) , complicated feeling all rushed in my mind together. Mr. Fagg held my hand and said, “Congratulations, Moly. We are proud of you!” He turned to the audience and utters, “This award is from the East Asia Regional Council of Oversea Schools. We are proud that this year’s award comes to ISB and our shark girl Moly! This is ISB’s glory as well!” Rewinding to the beginning of these events, the intentions for these actions were simply motivated by my passion and my freewill to do so. With the award in my hand, I thought I would be powerful and have had achieved what norms would say ‘glory’ but interestingly that kind of feeling didn’t come. Instead, those thankful emotions appear, I know I wouldn’t have received this award if my family hadn’t supported me, if my friends didn’t encourage me, if teachers hadn’t assist me with my dreams. This award inspires me even more by giving me crystal-clear lenses that direct me to my future path -- I will continue what I started. No matter where no matter when.

2009年4月16日 星期四

ACAMIS Chinese Event

This is Oscar's lovely performance : )

He sang so well~! good job my dear brother!

2009. 4. 11went to Shanghai 7 30am, for ACAMIS CHINESE EVENT. This is the 2nd trip to Shanghai this year, for cello, for MC. I learned a lot about how to host a show, with the help from Ms. Yu, Mattvei, and mom. The only pain is my super high hills for 5 hours standing most of the time, (Mattvei is too tall that I have to wear a 8 cm shoe, and still only at his chest height!). any way, gold medal :) and learned a lot! Also, i must say, I think ISB do have good spirit! Thanks to Oscar, great singing, good ending peice, light up the sparkle of ISB! We do rock : )

Showtime Gala - Celli Duett

This is a celli duet by Jacquline and myself.

We played this during Showtime Performance : )

I really love the songs ~ hope you enjoy it as well.

2009年4月5日 星期日

Showtime Gala : ) a night with music and love

A night with music only music and love : )

Showtime Gala is a charity gala dinner which is in aid of Care for Children and is organized by students (I'm one of the student organizers). During the event, we had wonderful music entertainment performances (such as ISB Jazz Band, MY AWESOME Quartets, CELLI DUET, and CHAMBER STRING GROUP, sining Solos... and more). All proceeds from this event goes to Care for Children (a charity aims to settle children in foster homes across China, and provides support for local families with special needs children in China).

As the leader of Global Issues Group, I've tried really hard to make our aim/ dreams to come true. This time we helped out the showtime gala event. Which made me one of the student organizer of the event as well. At first i was just responsible with the GIG information board that we can display during showtime, but it turns out that i did much more than that. Although it's super tiring and frustrating sometimes, but I think every time when I met these situations, I learn how to overcome challenges to acheive my goal. :) and Showtime did 'show' it's excellect and wonderful.

I brought few performance: my quartet group, my celli duet, and a chamber group.

My quartet group played: Quartet in F by Mozart, You Must Love Me by Andrew Lloyd Webber; Palladio by Karl Henkins . We've practiced for a long time and with great team work we played well :) and I'm really glad to see that result.

My celli duet with Jacqueline, we played Duette fur Violoncelli by Haydn. Although we didn't have much time to practice, but I think we did well :) I learned a lot from the practice as well. I love cello!

Lastly our chamber group played the Lion City by Seon Hee Newbold. It was wonderful, because so many people came and congrate us afterwards :) i learned the peice in 3 days, a peice that's super super fast that makes it so hard to play! But I manage to do that with the help from Jacqueline and Ms.Bulteel :D thanks!

I want to thank my family and family friends, who came and support me :) Without you, without me. Thank you for spending your time and money to come and listen my performances. Hope you enjoy it!

2009年3月25日 星期三

2009 Global Issues Network Conference@ Bangkok :)

"We Can. We Will. "

year by year, month by month, we make changes in our world.
But the question is... are they good changes? or bad changes?
There is a such thing called negative externality in economics, meaning the purchases of a particular product/services will cost a negative influence to the third party, in this case, i would call our earth, the third party.

Last week, Oscar (my brother) and I went to Bangkok, Thailand for the Global Issues Network Conference representing ISB GIG (my school's global issues group). The GIN conference trip was one of my highlights of the year, that I've been looking forward for quite a while. I was eager to learn more things, and meet more people who are like me, do cares about the world. Luckily, I got the chance to go : ) thanks to my orchestra teacher-- Ms. Bulteel, who helped me to move the orchestra concert a day earlier so I can get on the only plane to Bangkok. And, there I went! With a stressful (it was a super busy week, with lots of big assignments due) but excited (travelling with Oscar and doing the things I love) mood to Bangkok.

When we landed in Bangkok it was already pretty late at night, the flight took about 5 to 6 hours, but I didn't sleep at all, which is unusual :P Any way, we checked in the hotel and got ourselves ready for tomorrow's big day --- first day of the GIN conference, and our presentation which "I" had worked on for quite a while. Thailand, I must say, is a really nice place. Especially because it's currency is similar to Taiwan, I felt fairly connect to it some how, at least better than Beijing. Or maybe because I came with a heart of relief from school work for just a short break :)

International School of Bangkok is a really nice school! Why? Well, because people are so friendly, and the school is so huge! With lots of out door areas, and colourful walls. My favorite part of the school was the theatre, cause it was super big and you could just imagine playing the cello in there, how nice it would sound like! We got our conference bags, bottles, T- shirts, and booklets, and we got to meet some people at the GIN fair.
This year's GIN conference added a new component, which was the Global Village Groups. In my opinion, I LOVED IT! GIG is basically small groups of people from different schools, and we get together to communicate, share, reflect on what we're doing at our own school, what we learn today, and what we should do... more. The best part of the group is that I got to meet a lot of really nice people, and I learned about different perspective and what's the most important and major issues that each country or places is dealing with. For example, Education for All is one of the 20 global issues (meaning to provide education for everyone, no matter they're poor or not), many parts of the world are facing this difficult situation. However from David (one of my Global Village Group mate, from American School of Japan) shared that, this issue is actually not such major in Japan, since most people have education there. However, homeless population on the other hand, turns out to be a major problem for Japan. This is an example of a fact that I didn't know until David shared.

Afternoon was my 'big moment' since I had to do a presentation about what we did in ISBeijing. I was the leader, our presentation was based on 'Shark Fin Issue' which goes under the bioversity loses. My teammates and I had planned this for quite a while, however it was sad that most of my original group couldn't come (Sae Ha Je, and Kelvin). However I got some help from Samantha, Melissa, and Andrea. It was quite interesting, although the process of putting up this presentation was really tiring, and stressful. I think I once again tasted the pressure of a leader, and how it is super hard to control other people, especialy that when they don't work at all! Any way, at last, I think we did ok-ish. People seems to think that this is an important issue, plus it's not that hard to 'do something about it'. (If any one wonders about the content, let me know :) We putted up the poster, and talking through; i felt pleasure of sharing what I've actually took action. It hasn't change the world yet, but I believe, it will, some future day. (the picture on the left is my team mates)

My dear brother, Oscar, also joined GIG middle school :) which i am really happy about. Oscar also travel to Bangkok and did a wonderful job with his MS presentation on the Carbon Footprint. I think Oscar grew up, became much more responsible, and his public speaking became really good! He made so much friends there during the conference. His presentation is a really good one, because it is one of the most popular industry for us now. It's a GREEN industry and to some degrees, does help the reduce the out put of CO2.

An inspiratual trip, an abandant journey. I wish we can really take actions to do something for our home... our only home... the Earth : )