2008年8月21日 星期四

Heavenly Days- Chapter One

“What is this? A Bucket List?”
“It is a list of things that I would like to do before leaving, and I would try to accomplish it.” ---- (Dialogue from the movie ‘The Bucket List’)

This is an unforgettable scene from the movie “The Bucket List”. I thought it was a great idea to list out the things that one would like to do. Although the ‘leaving’ in the dialogue meant to leave the world, it inspire me to think what’s important in my life, and what’s the things that I would love to do. This is the last summer before entering to the IB world. Lots of elder students told me to play as much as possible this summer, to pressure the last relaxing summer, so I did planed out things that I would love to do. A year might seem short for some people, but for me it seems really long, especially when it meant to leave my hometown. Life in Beijing isn’t that bad of course, but life in Beijing for me is mostly about studying, since I go to school here. This summer I gave myself a ‘Long Break’, away from studying, I enjoyed my life in Taiwan, completing the things I wanted to do. Right before going back, I wrote a ‘Bucket List’.

Right top on the Bucket List, was to meet my best friends and family members. During this amazing two months, I met my friends and family and together we created lots of awesome memories. YaZhu was the first friend that I met, who came to see me on the night that I arrived in Taipei. YaZhu is one of my best friends from HSNU (FuZhong), my junior high school, although we’ve never been in the same class, we walked home together almost everyday. She grew so tall from last year, and of course became really pretty! We sat on the 2nd floor of Mr. Doughnuts’ store and talked for almost two hours. It was kind of short to summarize two people’s story in two hours, however we did discuss AMAP about our life during this passed year. YaZhu got a boyfriend, a really sweet, intelligent, and caring boyfriend. She smiled like an angel when she mentioned about him, as a close friend I’m really happy to hear about it : ) We also talked about school, and study, hearing her story, made me wonder: what would I be like? If I’m still in Taiwan, studying in the public school? Well, as the talk goes on, time past by silently, YaZhu walked me back home, and happily welcomed me back to Taipei. I waved her good bye, till her shadow fade away from my eyesight. The same night, she sent me a message after we separate apart, ‘Moly, next Tues. like’s go to ShiLin night market!’ With a smile, I turned off the night light, and enjoyed my first night at home.

~ End of Chapter One – Bucket List & YaZhu ~
