2008年8月25日 星期一

Heavenly Days~ Chapter Three

“We will have another elementary schoolmate’s party when you get back!” These words were in my mind for a year, it was said by my elementary classmates…and I waited and waited for a long, long year…

I was so looking forward to meet my elementary schoolmates since we’ve gone to different schools and went on our lives. Of course I’ve been keeping in touch with most of them, with internet or met few of them separately. Although we were just elementary schoolmates, we do have close relationships, especially after the past away of my friend JiaSheng.

July 2, one of my closest friends ShaoTin and I met at “NET” (a clothes shop near my house) first before going to the party. It took me a while to recognize him since he grew taller and looked more mature. We took a taxi to where we should be meeting with the others, and on the ride we chatted. I was really impressed with what he has been doing, and his growth through these years; moreover, I could strongly feel the dreams and goals that he has from his words. I was really glad to hear him working hard on what he is interested and his plans for his next steps. ShaoTin is studying in a school of restaurateurs studies. This summer he went to Taipei Hyatt Hotel to be an internship of the restaurant, and he has participate in lots of restaurant- studies related events; which would greatly help him with his future. As a friend I felt really happy that ShaoTin organize himself so well, and I also felt inspired to see that he tried so hard to achieve his goals. These stories of ShaoTin incite me to think more about my future and suggest that I should work harder on my studies :)

Soon as ShaoTin and I arrived there more a more classmates appeared from all directions. Everyone grew, some more mature, some taller, some dressed differently, and of course there were some that I couldn’t even recognize! Everything we had before like our friendship and memories came back, every one came together quickly, talking, chatting, singing, laughing, remembering classic quotes and special events… these happened just like that! It was fun and unforgettable :) We had lunch together, played games, talked about what we each have done these years! Although we were planning the party to end like around three or four PM, we couldn’t stop and stayed till nine or ten at night :P As a result we all agreed that ZongJun and YunWen changed the most (appearance-wise); and we have lots of smart people in our class! Every bud has been starting to bloom to beautiful flowers! Hopefully, I would be one as well :)

Two of my best friends didn’t attend the first party due to school reasons, which was really sad! Any way, to make it up (for me mostly) we met separately :) Grace and Tiffany both studies in awesome Taiwanese girls high schools! I am so proud of them :D Grace and I met first and took the bus to Tiffany’s school, since she was having volleyball practice there. Grace is still so gentle and elegant like before, nothing much appearance- wise has changed for her. To visit Tiffany’s school have always been one of my dreams~ and course it was on bucket list! “Taipei First Girls High School” is the best girls’ high school in Taipei obviously, and it was my first choice of high school when I was back in Taiwan. Grace and I walked into the school and saw the trees and students in the school, I fell so in love with it! There were people dancing, playing sports, and it was really pretty and clean. After visiting a bit, and asked a few people, we soon found Tiffany. As expected, she is still so thin! With the new hair style she looks prettier :) Tiffany needed some more time before she could hang out with us, so Grace and I went to Taipei train station and shopped the book stores over there. There weren’t much friends who I could spent the whole day at book stores, but Grace was the exceptional one :) She loves books, and I enjoyed them as well, therefore two book lovers went around the book stores and suggest books to each other :D I can always learn a lot from Grace and Tiffany! They are so smart and the things they talk about help me to get to know the student lives in public Taiwanese school, which I miss a lot. We went to have some food and chatted about our lives, schools, and dreams. They got to know more about mine in ISB, Beijing; and I got to know more about Taiwanese schools, and life in Taipei. It was great to hear them, and especially the news that Grace is coming to Beijing!! I look forward to that~ and wish both girls the best! In order to have such good friends, I believe I must have done something really kind last life :P

Special thanks to all my classmates! Thanks for making time to meet me and share lots of great information with me~ I love you all and wish you all the best! GanBaDae~

謝謝思遠&正軒 籌劃這字的同學會 :) 因為有你 讓六四的相聚成為事實而非夢想  謝謝你們 :)

謝謝舒晴 寫卡片給我  真的很感動:)我也愛你 你才是為國爭光呢 :P 我會盡力的! 一起努力吧~!

~End of Chapter Three~

Heavenly Days- Chapter Two

“Sunday 8/10 XiMenDing 2:00 pm
LEE HOM MUSIC MAN – The Only Autograph Meet”

At the moment when my eyes finished reading those lines on the Lee Hom Taiwan Fan Club websites, my heart stopped; my hands stopped; but my smile appeared! I was so so so happy that this was going to happen! Of course on my ‘Bucket List’, to be able to meet Lee Hom was one of the listed things. Lee Hom is my favorite musician, not only because his music is awesome, his appearance is perfect, but he has a kind heart and a smart brain! He is the perfect guy on the earth that I love love love so much: P He is my idol!

10 o’clock in the morning, I dressed up so as my family (well, I made them to come with me, since he is my love! haha) walking towards the bus station. We went on bus #22, and passed by lots of pretty places such as 中正紀念堂 and the North Gate. About 20 minutes, we arrived at XiMenDing, I was so excited! Ready to meet Lee Hom, however lunch comes first before meeting today’s "main meal" J We had some traditional Taiwanese 小吃; they were delicious! I wish food in Beijing were half as good as Taiwanese 小吃~ well, these are just my opinions! Beijing still have lots of good food, it’s just I’m not totally into them yet. After the delicious side dishes, the main meal was coming up…

1: 45 pm we arrived to the autography place, Lee Hom’s music was playing and lots of fans were already lining up. This meeting’s theme was to let Lee Hom sign the MUSIC- MAN CONCERT tickets, in another words, if you don’t have the ticket, you can’t meet Lee Hom and talk to him personally. The sad thing for me was that the concert is going to be on Sept. 19 and 20, where I’m already in Beijing studying hard for IB subjects and SAT. I would love to come back, or even just bought the 2500 NTD ticket and meet Lee Hom and talk to him! However these are all just desires and dreams. To get real, study is in fact more important then other things for a student L. Anyway I tried my best to hold my desire, and fight with it. I waited calmly for Lee Hom to come.
Finally, a big black van drove Lee Hom to XiMenDing, and he walked out of the van with the charming atmosphere around him. Just like the Japanese dramas, when the prince comes to school, all the girls would fawn and deeply fall in love with him; this actually happens during that particular moment when he walked out the van, and I was one of the fawning ones. Time passed on, however for me each seconds were ten times longer then the usual time, each move and each word he speaks filled up my broken heart, bit by bit. While the line of fans starts to move forward one by one, I was standing five meters away from Lee Hom gazing, only the distance felt like five miles away. Although the distances between us were far, I gazed at him the whole time, very focus indeed. After three hours, when it started to get cloudy and about the rain I decided to head back home since there’s another date to attend at night. Gently walking away from Lee Hom, with the mixed feeling of eudemonistic and sorrow (just like one of Lee Hom’s song lyrics “幸福搭配悲傷 同時在我心交叉” (Kiss Goodbye)), slowly Lee Hom disappeared from my eyesight.

Thinking about it afterwards, I’m really satisfy with just looking at him. I felt really lucky to have the chance of seeing him especially that I’ve written down ‘to meet Lee Hom’ on my bucket list. I would not forget the way he walked out the van and said hello to us, and of course the scene where he was like a ‘big boy’ playing with Bat Man, and Super Man models when he receive them as gifts. I look forward to his new music and of course the next time when we can meet again. If there is ever a chance that we could have a long talk about music, the world, and just to get to know each other, that would be really really awesome! Yes, I’m writing it down on my ‘life – bucket list’: P
Oh, I forgot to mention one important thing… special thanks to my father, mother, and Oscar! Thanks for being with me, accompany me to meet Lee Hom, although you guys left early and left me alone… what did you mean? ‘看到就好?’ enjoying each moment of meeting your idol is much more than just see him~ but still thanks to my family, I love you all too~! (讓我跟Lee Hom 獨處:)

~ End of Chapter Two ~

2008年8月21日 星期四

Heavenly Days- Chapter One

“What is this? A Bucket List?”
“It is a list of things that I would like to do before leaving, and I would try to accomplish it.” ---- (Dialogue from the movie ‘The Bucket List’)

This is an unforgettable scene from the movie “The Bucket List”. I thought it was a great idea to list out the things that one would like to do. Although the ‘leaving’ in the dialogue meant to leave the world, it inspire me to think what’s important in my life, and what’s the things that I would love to do. This is the last summer before entering to the IB world. Lots of elder students told me to play as much as possible this summer, to pressure the last relaxing summer, so I did planed out things that I would love to do. A year might seem short for some people, but for me it seems really long, especially when it meant to leave my hometown. Life in Beijing isn’t that bad of course, but life in Beijing for me is mostly about studying, since I go to school here. This summer I gave myself a ‘Long Break’, away from studying, I enjoyed my life in Taiwan, completing the things I wanted to do. Right before going back, I wrote a ‘Bucket List’.

Right top on the Bucket List, was to meet my best friends and family members. During this amazing two months, I met my friends and family and together we created lots of awesome memories. YaZhu was the first friend that I met, who came to see me on the night that I arrived in Taipei. YaZhu is one of my best friends from HSNU (FuZhong), my junior high school, although we’ve never been in the same class, we walked home together almost everyday. She grew so tall from last year, and of course became really pretty! We sat on the 2nd floor of Mr. Doughnuts’ store and talked for almost two hours. It was kind of short to summarize two people’s story in two hours, however we did discuss AMAP about our life during this passed year. YaZhu got a boyfriend, a really sweet, intelligent, and caring boyfriend. She smiled like an angel when she mentioned about him, as a close friend I’m really happy to hear about it : ) We also talked about school, and study, hearing her story, made me wonder: what would I be like? If I’m still in Taiwan, studying in the public school? Well, as the talk goes on, time past by silently, YaZhu walked me back home, and happily welcomed me back to Taipei. I waved her good bye, till her shadow fade away from my eyesight. The same night, she sent me a message after we separate apart, ‘Moly, next Tues. like’s go to ShiLin night market!’ With a smile, I turned off the night light, and enjoyed my first night at home.

~ End of Chapter One – Bucket List & YaZhu ~