2010年1月19日 星期二

Waiting for the Calls

What a long break from writing journals/ blogs!? If you are curious about the reason (just in case some people might read my blog) here is a summary of what was going on during the months that I haven't update new writings/photos/videos...

- my blog is blocked in BJ, don't know why so I didn't have excess to it...
- I've been very busy applying for universities
- lots of work to be done
- enjoy my life in Asia

Since, we've take care of that... I would like to share about my experiences during this half year of learning about universities and applying to them. As I always heard from seniors in high school, the first semester is the craziest semester because of college applications. Well, I've came through that stage now, and I partly agree and partly disagree.

For those who doesn't or haven't had a chance to write an application for US systems university, let me inform you the process that we go through at the time...
in high school you'll need to take tests (such as SATs and TOEFL .etc), have good school grades (shown by GPA and letter grades), and enrich your life with extracurricular (activities outside of school). In most of the US applications, it requires applicants to write essays to describe who they are, what they have done, and essays that show 'who they are' and 'why should the university offer him/her a position'. Then these applications get send off to the universities and their admissions to be reviewed by them. You then hear about the decision that the university makes. Lastly, you decide where you want to go.

Many people view this process (writing essays) as the most painful stage of high school... but really, I didn't think it was that bad. Instead, I would say I enjoyed it so much!

I am not the smartest kid in my grade, not the prettiest, not the best kid, not the most popular one... but I think I a good kid that knows to appreciate what she had and work hard on the tasks that was given. When I sat down and read the essay question, like most of the people it took a while when I could write the essay out. I think during this period of time, I re-visited my past and learn about myself more than ever. I read through the works that I have done, pictures of my accomplishments, and much more information I got, I learn more about myself. I was a journey to find out WHO I AM.

I liked to thank those who have had read my essays and gave me some suggestions. One particular person read 80% of my essays, I guess he knows all about me now :P I like to thank my dearest English teacher Mr. Thomas for reading through my essays and gave me suggestions on how to improve them.

Now, I have submitted all applications and did three interviews... it's the time to wait for the results. Hopefully, I can have positive replies from them. No matter what, I am thankful for doing these applications... they gave me a chance to look back at my past, and my identities. I am waiting for the calls, wish me luck will you?

Thank you for those who helped me in this process (you know who you are) : )

PS. I wanted to add something about my college interviews… I’m so glad that I was offered interviews from 3 colleges during the winter break. I enjoyed a lot talking to the interviewee; they are so nice and so intelligent! Also I find the similarity that two of them have great passion for China and it’s language and culture! It was a great experience talking to them for an hour. I wish I would hear good results from them as well!

Good luck to what you’re doing : )
